Physics Guidance Materials. | Physics | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences

Physics Guidance Materials.

Considering a Degree in Physics? (pdf presentation)

Physics Careers Fact Sheet

Illinois Employers that have recently hired Physicists.

Why Study Physics?

SIUC Physics Internal Scholarships

Preparing for Admission / High School Coursework Requirements

SIUC General Requirements outline high school coursework required for general admission. In addition to the general requirements, SIUC Physics recommends students pursue math coursework in high school through Precalculus with Trig, or AP Calculus if available. Students are encouraged to more extensively explore their interests though cardinal coursework in lab based science courses, computer programming, and electronics.

Physics is a broad field and SIUC offers 4 tracks in undergraduate physics including; traditional Physics, Material Science / Nanophysics, Computational Physics, and Biomedical Physics. Students can apply directly for admission to any one of these tracks, or enter Physics in general and select a specialization later in their Undergraduate career.


Undergrad Undergraduate Physics (png or pdf file)

Window Physics Window (png or pdf file)